Can I use AI for translation?

Yes and no. The answer depends on the type of content you’re translating and the level of quality you require.

AI and machine translation (MT) tools have advanced significantly in recent years, offering fast and cost-effective solutions for translation. For simple, everyday texts or internal documents where speed is more critical than precision, AI can be a useful tool. However, when it comes to translating complex or sensitive content—like business, marketing, medical, or legal documents—relying solely on AI can be fraught with risks.

AI may be able to provide a quick translation, but it often lacks the nuance, context understanding, and cultural awareness that human translators bring to the table. That’s why, while AI can be part of your translation strategy, it shouldn’t be the whole solution. In this blog post, we’ll explore the potential pitfalls of using raw AI translations and explain why human post-editing is essential to ensure accuracy, professionalism, and brand consistency.

The Risks of Using Raw AI Translations

While AI and MT have made impressive strides in recent years, they are far from perfect. Here are some of the key risks associated with using AI for translation without human oversight:

1. Inaccurate Terminology

AI and MT engines often struggle with industry-specific terminology, technical jargon, and specialised language. This is especially problematic in sectors such as legal, medical, and technical fields where precision is paramount. A mistranslated term can lead to confusion, misrepresentation of your brand, or even legal liabilities. For example, in the medical field, an incorrect translation of a diagnosis or treatment could have serious consequences.

2. Cultural Insensitivity

Language is deeply intertwined with culture. AI may fail to pick up on cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, or regional differences, leading to translations that are awkward, inappropriate, or even offensive. This can be particularly damaging in marketing and advertising, where understanding and respecting the cultural context of your target audience is crucial for success. A culturally insensitive translation can alienate your audience and harm your brand’s reputation.

3. Hallucinations

One of the more alarming issues with AI-generated translations is the phenomenon of “hallucinations.” This occurs when the AI generates information or content that wasn’t present in the original text. These hallucinations can lead to serious miscommunication, as the AI might insert incorrect facts, create sentences that make no sense, or even fabricate information. This is particularly risky in legal or technical documents where accuracy is critical.

4. Incorrect Grammar

Although AI translation tools have improved significantly, they still frequently make grammatical errors, especially when translating between languages with different grammatical structures. These mistakes can range from minor errors that make the text sound unpolished to major mistakes that alter the meaning of the text entirely. Incorrect grammar not only reflects poorly on your brand but can also lead to misunderstandings and confusion among your audience.

5. Overly Literal Translations

AI often translates text too literally, which can result in awkward phrasing, misinterpretation of idioms, and the loss of the original tone or intent. Idiomatic expressions, puns, and metaphors can be particularly challenging for AI to translate correctly, leading to translations that sound unnatural or nonsensical. This is a significant concern for marketing and creative content where tone, style, and emotion are critical components of the message.

6. Failure to Adapt to Brand Voice

Your brand’s voice is unique, reflecting your company’s personality, values, and style. AI lacks the ability to understand and adapt to your specific brand voice, which can result in translations that feel generic or off-brand. Consistency in tone and style is crucial for maintaining your brand identity across different languages and markets. Without human intervention, AI-generated translations can dilute your brand’s message and impact.

7. Legal Risks

Legal documents require absolute precision, as even a small error can have significant consequences. AI translation tools are not equipped to handle the complexities and nuances of legal language, which can lead to mistakes that may result in costly legal disputes or compliance issues. For example, a mistranslated contract clause could create ambiguities that lead to disagreements or legal challenges.

The Solution: AI With Human Post-Editing

Given these risks, it’s clear that while AI can be a powerful tool in the translation process, it should not be used in isolation, especially for critical content. The solution lies in post-editing by a human linguist—a process where professional linguists review and refine AI-generated translations to ensure accuracy, consistency, and cultural appropriateness.

At Translators Family, we combine the speed and cost-effectiveness of AI with the expertise of human translators to offer a range of tailored post-editing services:

Light Post-Editing

Ideal for internal documents where speed is crucial but accuracy still matters. This option involves correcting obvious errors and ensuring the translation is understandable and coherent.

Full Post-Editing

Best suited for client-facing materials, this service includes thorough editing to correct grammar, improve style, and ensure the translation accurately reflects the original text.

Full Post-Editing + Second Linguist Review

For critical content such as legal, medical, or high-stakes marketing materials, we recommend an additional layer of quality assurance. After the initial post-editing, a second linguist reviews the content to ensure it meets the highest industry standards.

Long-Term Benefits of a Hybrid Approach

In addition to improving the quality of your translations, integrating AI with human post-editing offers long-term benefits. By using computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools with their translation memories in combination with AI tools, we can help you build a more efficient translation process. The more you translate with us, the smarter the system becomes, leading to better initial translations and reduced post-editing time in the future. This results in lower costs over time, making your translation investment more cost-effective in the long run.

Protect Your Brand with Human Expertise

While AI and machine translation offer exciting possibilities for speed and cost savings, they come with significant risks when used without human oversight. Inaccurate terminology, cultural insensitivity, hallucinations, incorrect grammar, and failure to adapt to your brand voice are just a few of the dangers that can arise from relying solely on AI-generated translations.

By incorporating human post-editing into your translation workflow, you can enjoy the best of both worlds—harnessing the power of AI while ensuring that your content is accurate, professional, and aligned with your brand’s identity.

At Translators Family, we’re here to help you navigate the complexities of translation in a global market. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your business with high-quality, cost-effective translation solutions.